The independent planning board, An Bord Pleanala board has overturned its own Inspectors report in relation to permission to demolish number 8 Temple Crescent and replace with two new houses at Temple Crescent Blackrock.
Planning Board at odds with Inspector over Blackrock site.
The independent planning board, An Bord Pleanala board has overturned its own Inspectors report in relation to permission to demolish number 8 Temple Crescent and replace with two new houses at Temple Crescent Blackrock.
The Inspector argued that permission should be refused on the grounds that the scheme would have an adverse effect on the adjoining property to the west due to overlooking, overshadowing and would be visual obtrusive.
The board refused to except there own Inspectors report and have decided to allow the construction of the two houses.
Local residents are outraged by the Board decision.
Victor Boyhan a former County Councillor and member of the local An Taisce planning committee the practice of the An Bord Pleanala overruling its own Inspector is now becoming a regular accuracy and is cause for concern.
People have become cynical about the local planning process, now confidence in the independent planning appeals process is in doubt.
Boyhan has called for greater public accountability of the Board decisions and is committed to pursuing this matter with his Progressive Democrat party colleagues in government.